It occurs to me that unless I have some sort of plan, nothing may come of this. So, a prediction:
I am in my final year of high school and have a fairly heavy workload. That means posting will be erratic. However, I have ideas of the type I would like to post often. So, an average of at least one post a week.
I have a wide varitey of interests. So, I will post on a wide variety of topics. Possibly: learning, teaching, thinking. behaviour, analogies, books, libraries, words, meanings, performance, stress, assessment, study, community, history, reenactors, morality, religion, and I'm sure many other erratic and unpredictable things. I will probably not write about popular culture or current affairs at all.
I think a lot, and talk to people about what I think, and read all sorts of sources about what I'm interested in. A large portion of what I write will be without factual backing, or at least factual backing I can find, and will be based instead on common sense and thought experiments.
This blog will not be about what I do. It will be about what I observe and discover and most of all, what I think.